I first discovered my interest in graphic design while working with illustrator and artist, Karli Ingersoll on the CD design for my debut album, Hickory. Since then, I've become obsessed with exploring the world of art and design. I'm hungry to learn about metal smithing, textile and pattern design, watercolor painting.... I strive to find inspiration wherever I am.
Graphic Design
As a musician, I hope that my music communicates to the audience. The same with design - I love the challenge of putting together the puzzle of matching visuals with the structure of music. Working with musicians on design is something I love to do whether it's putting together album design or a poster or logo.
52 Weeks of Mini Musings
Instead of giving myself new years resolutions, I gave myself the exercise of creating a small painting every week based on my current source of inspiration. I also wanted to use it to challenge myself to produce and share a work of art regardless of how "perfect" it was. These little musings have become a wonderful meditation that I look forward to every week. Feel free to follow along on Instagram with the hashtag #52WeeksOfMiniMusings.